Valencia Fallas: The Street Lights of Calle Sueca 2009


March 7th was a busy day.  After the daily 2pm mascletà, and the special Gran Mascletà Napolitana at the beach, we mustered our remaining strength and went down to Ruzafa.  At 9pm, they were turning on the famous street lights of Calle Sueca.

There was a large, boisterous crowd gathered and right before 9pm, it was packed extremely tight. Someone came on a megaphone to say that the lighting was being pushed back 15 minutes, and the crowd groaned and booed.  Good-naturedly, of course. A man next to us dropped to his knees in a mock display of agony and pleading.

At some time after 9:15, majestic orchestral music started and the streetlights were lit, one section at a time.  First the blues, then the columns, and finally the crown.  When viewing it all lit up together, it’s hard not to be impressed, but the “lighting show” was cheesy, and left a lot to be desired.  And then they did it /twice/.  For the TV or something.  The crowd was too busy laughing to “ooh” and “ahh” with the appropriate respect the second time through.

The good thing is, you didn’t have to attend the lighting to fully enjoy the lights.  Until the 19th, you have the chance to walk down to Ruzafa and check them out.  And grab a few buñuelos from the stand of La Albaceteña while you’re there — they were delicious.

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